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Curriculum Vitae
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Forthcoming. Hacking Hybrid Media: Power and Practice in an Age of Manipulation. Oxford University Press. (Series: Oxford Studies in Digital Politics)
2020. "All Media Are Social: Sociological Perspectives on Mass Media" (with Andrew M. Lindner). Routledge.
2018. “Citizens at the Gates: Twitter, Networked Publics and the Transformation of American Journalism.” Palgrave Macmillan.
*Winner: 2020 Best Book Award from the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology (CITAMS) section of the American Sociological Association.
2018. “Tweeting #Ferguson: Mediatized fields and the new activist journalist” New Media & Society. Available at:
2016. “‘Tweet or Be Sacked’: Twitter and the New Elements of Journalistic Practice” Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. 17(2):190-207. Available at: (Published online October 9, 2014).
*Featured on Academic Minute and Sage Video
2009. “A People's Method(ology): A Dialogical Approach.” (with Jesse P. Van Gerven) Cultural Studies ó Critical Methodologies, 9(6):816-831. Available at:
Book Chapters
2021. “Journalism in the Age of Twitter” In The Oxford Handbook of Progress Sociology and Digital Media, edited by Sarah Sobieraj and Deana Rohlinger. Oxford University Press.
2021. “Fake News” In 20 Years of Collateral Language: Afterlives of 9/11, edited by John Collins and Somdeep Sen. University of Georgia Press.
2016. “Digital Sociology’s Vocational Promise” In Digital Sociologies, edited by Jessie Daniels, Karen Gregory, and Tressie McMillan Cottom. UK: Bristol. Policy Press.
2016. “Spectacles of Self(ie) Empowerment? Networked Individualism and the Logic of the (Post)Feminist Selfie” Studies in Media and Communications. Volume 11. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Available at:
Invited Publications
2015, September 1. “Building Castles in the Air: Critical Digital Pedagogy and the Pursuit of Praxis” Hybrid Pedagogy. Available at:
*Reprint is Forthcoming in Hybrid Teaching: Pedagogy, People, and Politics, Edited by Christopher Friend. Hybrid Pedagogy/Pressbooks.
Other Publications
2019. “Power and Politics in the Age of Hybrid Media.” States, Power, & Societies: ASA Political Sociology Section Newsletter. Winter 2019: 28-31.
2016. “Keeping It Real with Twitter and #realacademicbios.” Contexts. March 9. Available at:
Book Reviews
2019. “Technically Together: Reconstructing Community in a Networked World. By Taylor Dotson.” American Journal of Sociology. 124(5):1594-1596.
2015. “Jolyon Mitchell, Promoting Peace, Inciting Violence: The Role of Religion and Media.” Journal of Media and Religion, 14(1):46-48. Available at:
2012. “Jennifer Earl and Katrina Kimport, Digitally Enabled Social Change: Activism in the Internet Age.” New Media & Society, 14(5):894-895. Available at: